Monday, October 5, 2009

Hobby Needed

I've realized through many hours of boredom that I just need a good, solid hobby. I already do a LOT of reading at school (subbing tends to be quite a bit of videos and quizzes), and we do really fun things on weekends. What I need... is a weekday hobby. Something that is inexpensive (preferably) and will keep me busy. Any ideas? Please comment. :]


  1. Cross-stitching? Crocheting, Re-doing/re-upholstering garage sale furniture? Maybe you could volunteer at a hospital or school or animal shelter or something :) That's all I got...

  2. I bet there are some amazing orchards or "you pick" types of places that you could go out to in your spare time and start canning fresh fruit. I hear this can be so addicting and actually, it is a very inexpensive thing to do (if anything it saves you money at the grocery store). I know it is in the late part of the year for picking--but just something to keep in mind. : )

  3. I'll gladly teach you how to knit! You can always make cards and scrapbook too.
