Hello everyone!
We, of course, are madly missing people from Boise already. It was sooooo nice to get back and see family and friends again. (The added bonus of me being able to teach my own English class again was a wonderful gift as well!)
We've got some updates: some on trips, some on job-related info, and some on future plans!
Since we've been back, I've been working-- a LOT. I work about 35-40 hours a week, which is exactly what I hoped for. I knew we majorly needed the money, and I've been having a great time getting to know my coworkers even more. It's been a big blessing, considering the fact that I was worried so much about not being worked very often when I got back. Because of the work schedule, it's hard to find times to do anything outside of Amherst, but we've been able to squeeze in a couple trips.
Our first trip was to Andover/Boston last week. We left this past Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Friday. It was great! When we got in town, we delivered Hillary's beautiful hope chest that grandpa made (it was amazing!), and then went to Richardson's for some mini golf and ice cream. When we got there, it was pretty packed in mini-golf, so we took a walk around the dairy farm instead, and had some fun seeing the cuuute animals (pictures soon to come). The next morning, we went into Boston by train for New England Aquarium and seafood chowder (Rodney's craving) at the No Name Restaurant. The New England Aquarium was beautiful, as was expected, and it was a really nice day to be in Boston. It wasn't too busy, and the weather was great. We walked everywhere once we were off the train, so we got some nice exercise with it. :) It was really nice finally getting a chance to spend some more time in Boston. Our next Boston adventure: Freedom Trail! Soon to come, hopefully.
Our second trip was with our current roomie, Mat Schumer (the other saxophone grad assistant). Mat's letting us stay in his house until our lease becomes available for our new apartment September 1st. We took a trip down to Brockton (about 20 minutes south of Boston) on Sunday to see his upcoming roommate (and fellow clarinet player!), Mike. We had a great time there-- went bowling at a great bowling alley (my first time scoring over 100!), had some sushi (which wasn't as bad as I remembered it), played Monopoly, went swimming in his pool, hottubbing, etc. etc. It was great, and another great opportunity to get out of Amherst for a breather.
Now: jobs.
As you all know, I've been searching for a good fit for me this year in the job world. Ideally, I would have an English teaching job, but those are so few and far between (and far-stretched, with a large amount of the current applicants being high-quality teachers waiting to receive jobs back after being let go due to budget cuts). I just interviewed today for a part-time teaching position for 8th grade (and what a great job it would be!), but I know my chances are slim to none. I spoke with the man interviewing after me-- very smart, just got his Master's, has a few years of teaching experience, etc etc. The lady after him was well-known in the office, so probably was a district transfer. You know, heavy competition. So, my new theory is this: I will try my absolute hardest to get a job, and will do everything I can do. That way, if I don't get a job, I won't have any regrets, or feelings of "well, dang, I probably could've applied to more teaching jobs..." False. I've applied to everything that has appeared. Then, I can say that I really did do EVERYTHING that I could to get a job.
So, currently, I will probably be doing substituting again to start the year. Maybe something will come up, like last year, but it's not looking promising at the moment. I would really love to be doing something else; substituting is something I've come to realize is just not my thing. I enjoy the kids, a LOT, but I desperately miss having my own classroom, teaching my own kids, coming up with my own plans. Setting up my own policies, activities, projects... argh. My head aches when I think about it too hard.
I will also be posting another job opportunity that has been presented to me later, once I get more details. Right now, it's a bit under construction, so I will post about it later. :)
We are VERY excited, because we are going to be going on the 29th and 30th to New York City with Mat to see some great concerts (paid for by his wonderful parents!) and to see the city. Once it gets closer, I'll know the names of the artists we're seeing, so I'll update you later on that as well.
That just about wraps up the latest news-- hope everything is going well for everyone! Miss you all.
Ang and Rodney